I love watching the sunset and I use to record the view of the sunset from my bedroom window using my old compact digital camera. Unfortunately I couldn't do that this time 'cause it's out of juice so I just grabbed my 400D and I started snappin'!
You can't really tell the difference if you look at the photos individually, but you can see the subtle changes if you compare them in a row or such.

should've taken this one on a landscape angle.....and in case you're wondering why the top right of the photo is like that, it's actually the ceiling of the balcony....the flash made it look that way...

They said that you could see the aurora lights in the NZ sky last night, but sadly enough, it was too foggy to even see the top of Auckland Tower last night, (plus I was indoors the whole time celebrating a friend's birthday...) so I didn't get the chance to capture anything at all. And I was just talking with my house-mate about how beautiful today's sunset was and she said, "maybe the effects of the aurora last night made it turn out this way?"......